Client Information/Product Proposal

Below is a product proposal created in the style that it would of been handed to me from a client. It features everything I need to produce and do for the client to be happy and accept my work. In this particular scenario, I am hired by the headteacher of a primary school to compose a shoot on light painting which I will then need to create posters that not only show off the work but also teach the children step by step.

On top of this, I have been asked to perform and demosntrate this infront of the class live and encourage them to join in alongside having a whole lesson planned.

Product Proposal

 Date: 14th January 2016

Send to: REDphotos - photographers for hire
Attention: Alfie Mills, photographer
Location: 60 Hainaut Avenue, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS0 9HB

From: Mr E. Steverson
Location: 152 Weston Primlage, Southend-on-Sludge, Essex, SS5 5SS
Phone Number: 44444467

Dear Mr. Alfie Mills, It has come to our attention and an agreement that with your manager that you will be up for the job provided for us. To complete this job, we will require photographs of light painting and a tutorial poster on how children can learn and replicate this themselves.

You are also invited to meet the children personally as well as walk them through it, giving detailed instructions and a live performance of creating light painting as well as encourage and get the class participating in creating it.

Here is a short summary of everything you will need:
  • A camera capable of a slow shutter speed as well as a tripod
  • Light sources
  • An interactive lesson planned out which the children can participate in
  • A photoshoot you have done showing off this techinique of photographic practice
  • 3 Posters which will show off to the children of the possibilities 
Thank you for being willing to help and complete this task, any questions you have may be forwarded to your manager who will get in contact with me. We look forward to your lesson on photography and light painting on the 22nd of January 2016

Kind regards - Mr E. Steverson 

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